Empower Your Teen to Get Involved in Preventing Substance Abuse

October is here, which means it’s National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month. It’s a great time to shine a spotlight on an important issue many of us worry about: teen substance abuse. In our case, in collaboration with our partners with CADCA, we specifically want to raise awareness about abuse of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines and misuse of prescription drugs. It’s a concern that can feel overwhelming and scary, but we’re here to help. By talking to your teen and helping them learn healthy medicine habits, you can make a significant difference in their actions. Let’s face it, teens spend most of the day in school, absorbing information, data, and equations their teachers discuss during class. It’s understandable that their brains might feel saturated by the time they come home. That’s where the Dose of Prevention challenge comes in.

This challenge is designed to raise awareness about the dangers of OTC medicine abuse and Rx drug misuse, but it’s tailor-made for teens. Rather than lectures and pamphlets, the challenge provides an opportunity to for teens to get creative and make a real impact through hands-on projects of their own design. Here’s how we, as parents, can encourage and support our teens to find their voice and make a difference in their community, all while learning about the very real concerns around medicine and drug abuse and misuse.

Why Teen Engagement Matters

Getting our teens directly involved in preventing substance abuse can make a huge difference. When they’re part of the solution, they’re more motivated and invested. Plus, no one knows how to reach and connect with teenagers more they do! Think about it—teens leading the charge can lead to innovative ideas and outreach that really resonate with the motivations and interests of their peers. Each year, amazing teen-led initiatives show not only how big of an impact teens can have on their communities, but also their leadership in creating multifaceted strategies to target specific audiences around them.

What is the Dose of Prevention Challenge?

The Dose of Prevention challenge is an engaging way for teens to tackle the issue of OTC medicine abuse and Rx drug misuse. It invites them to create projects that raise awareness and promote prevention. Whether it’s designing eye-catching posters, launching social media campaigns, or organizing community events, this challenge allows teens to use their talents and interests to make a difference. It’s all about creativity and leadership!

How to Start the Conversation and Support Your Teen

Whether your teen is passionate about art, social media, or organizing events, the Dose of Prevention challenge can be their canvas to inspire awareness and change in partnership with their peers and within their community. It’s all about letting their creativity shine while making a real impact.

So, how do we bring this up with our teens? Keep it open and supportive. Start by expressing your concern about teen medicine abuse and drug misuse in a caring way. Inquire with your teen about how they feel about abuse and misuse in their community. Present the Dose of Prevention challenge as a fun and meaningful opportunity to get involved with their peers for a good cause, rather than a chore. As a bonus selling point: it’s also something that would look great on college applications! Ask them what they think and how they might want to get involved. This way, they feel heard and valued, and they’re more likely to be excited about the project.

Once your teen is on board, you can be their biggest cheerleader. Provide the resources they need—whether that’s materials for their project or access to helpful events. Encourage their creativity and help them brainstorm ideas but let them take the lead. Your role is to support and guide them, not to take over. This balance will help them feel confident and empowered.

Get Involved, Make a Difference, and Connect with Your Teen

Getting involved in the Dose of Prevention challenge together can be a wonderful bonding experience. Celebrate your teen’s achievements, reflect on what you’ve accomplished together, and use the opportunity to build stronger communication and trust. It’s a win-win: your teen makes a real impact, and you strengthen your relationship in the process. Learn more about how to get involved here.

Take Action

Increased awareness can only mean increased prevention. Join us in the fight against teen cough medicine abuse by exploring and sharing our free resources.