Parents Make a Difference

By Christy Posted August 02, 2007 under Uncategorized

Thanks to Joyce Hulett and the Columbia Daily Tribune for reiterating how important it is for parents to communicate with their kids to keep them off of drugs. Joyce points out:

Communicating with children is one of the most important things parents can do. Communicating should begin when children are born. But it is never too late to begin focusing on communication between parents and their children. Parents must not only talk to their children, they must listen. That means really listen to what is said and what isn’t. They must ask about their children’s friends. They must listen carefully to be sure these friends are not going to lead their children into trouble.

And she mentions the Five Moms Campaign!

Drug use is one more reason to monitor online activities of your daughter. A mom on chpa-fivemoms.local points out that the June 19 issue of USA Today reported that 10 million online messages about drugs were posted during the past year. Many of these messages will give your daughters information about abusing cough medicine and other prescription drugs, as well as ideas for illegal drug abuse and acquisition of drugs.

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